
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar Eclipse May 2012

#1 - Solar Elcipse at the start of our outing.
For the first time ever I was able to see a solar eclipse...and I was just as excited as my girls. (perhaps even more so)
Solar Eclipse glasses on hand even on the slide!
The fact that today was the day, the time that I happened to be at the park was the right time and some very generous strangers happened to have two extra viewing glasses were a series of coincidences falling together just to ironically brighten my day.
#2 - Solar Eclipse starting...see the little mirrored image in that light reflection?

#3 - The attempt of taking a shot of the eclipse through a pair of
the special glasses...not so great.
Since I was not expecting to take part in this event, my camera was sitting very comfortably nestled back at our home instead of in my hands.  The pictures I captured with my DROID RAZR surprised me.
#4 - Solarized feature of my RAZR.
#5 - Same shot without solarize filter.
As we waited the kiddles played, I kept checking on the status of the sun and hoping that I wouldn't miss the "ring of fire" that was suppsed to occur.
Can you tell I'm a little tired?  Hahaha
#6 - Almost there!
Get your glasses on!!!
The only downfall, the clouds moved in right over the sun JUST AS the complete eclipse was happening. What were the odds of that? And then to rub it in, they moved beyond the sun to show us all that the moon was on it's was across the other half. Not going to lie, I was MAD.
#7 - Just before the full eclipse...
the darned clouds moved in!
Did you get to see it? This really was one of the most amazing things I've strange having it get darker little by little without the clouds being the cause. Almost like a smokey haze over the whole valley floor.

Ah well, I guess I'll just have to try again next solar eclipse...
According to Wikipedia that will be in 2014: A partial solar eclipse is in store for the western United States on Oct. 23, 2014. Western Canada, Alaska and the northern edge of the U.S. border between Washington state to Wisconsin should have the best view, with more than 60% of the sun's diameter (its center line) blocked by the moon's shadow. California and the U.S. Southwest should see more than 40% of the sun's diameter covered.

According to NASA in 2017: A "total" solar eclipse will completely cover the sun's light, blotting out even the sun's outer fringes. Total eclipses are far more exciting because they will shroud the land in an eerie midday twilight. The Aug. 21, 2017, total eclipse will be trailing through Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, northeastern Kansas, Missouri, southern Illinois, western Kentucky, Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and South Carolina. 

See you all then!

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