
Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Morning After - Sugar Highs!

Aren't my darling kiddles beautiful?  I may be slightly biased, but that's what happens when you have a Pretty Pink Princess and a Mermaid for daughters. You would think that they would have been so excited to get ready for trick-or-treating, but I actually had to prod them to get ready.  It became a one hour mad capped dash to get make-up and curls set.  (and I have the burns to prove it was a labor of love)

Since we ended up starting a bit late last evening we decided to do a cul-de-sac run and then hit the mall. We did not plan on said mall through the same entrance as the Slaughter House. Everything was fine blocking little eyes on the way in, however it was a different story on the way back out to our car. Of course, right was we walk past the line, one of the zombie characters comes out of the maze and hams it up staring down my princess & mermaid. I was NOT a happy momma!  There was a lot of convincing that I could make their makeup into something creepy if they wanted too...and then it took a couple prayers from Daddy & Mommy.  The result of those moments of reassurance and prayers, a good night's sleep without any nightmares. Thank God!

Then this morning brought the realization that today is the day that all of the sugar hanging around from Halloween becomes a precious treasure in our house.  Our girls had Halloween evening and today to get their fill of the sugary treasures they received...and then it goes into hiding for Mom & Dad to dole out as we see fit. And that way, perhaps, we can avoid the sugar highs and dives. (which we are experiencing today)

Unfair you say?  Are you kidding?!  Having that candy as a bribe to promote being kind to one another is priceless.  Or perhaps bringing out a piece or two for perfect spelling tests...there are so many ways to use all that sugary goodness to bring about smiles far beyond Halloween.

I had to laugh when I walked into my girls' room today and found their pumpkins a little lower in candy volume. One a bit more than the other...and I am now hunting for where those candies have been hidden. (there was a void of wrappers in sight or in trash cans)

My idea of real treasured candies...
California Brittle, Marzipan, Cafe Latte & Butterscotch Lollipops!

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