
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Battling The Sickies Once Again


Once again my kiddles are off track...and once again I am dealing with some form of sickness!  WHY?! Why does this always have to be the case their first week out of school?  No matter what precautions I take it seems that they pick-up something that kicks in somewhere between Saturday - Tuesday.  Well, yesterday was the "kick-in" day in our household...and it me too! 
And This Mommy Is WORN OUT!

I guess I can't really blame the school this time...although it sure makes it easy. *hehe*  The weather here in Reno has been more schizophrenic than usual. (and that's saying a lot)  We've had times in the past 7 days where our weather has been anywhere from a high of 22 to 55 and lows from the mid 20's to the teens.
There's a huge part of me that just aches for the weather of Southern California...and yet there is something that I just absolutely love about seeing snow dusted mountains as I do my errands around town.  I guess I am just destined to be torn between my old roots and the new ones I've planted.
How do I battle all that comes with weather that can't make up it's mind?  I go through a ton of Emergen-C (for my hubby & me), Emergen-C Kidz (for the kiddles), clover honey, stabilized oxygen drops and Echinacea tea.  Those items are my artillery in the battle of colds, sinus problems and sore throats. For sore throats I also add salt water gargling into the tastes awful, but it really has an amazing healing effect. 

Oh yeah, and then there is always chicken noodle soup.  I don't know what it is about it, but it's still a go-to when our house is hit with stuffed noses & coughs.
Hopefully your family won't be needing any of this during this winter, but if they do it is fortunately very easy to get your hands on each of those items. Stores like Whole Foods, The Vitamin Shop, CVS and even Target or Walmart carry them. (stabilized oxygen can be found at Whole Food and The Vitamin Shop)
Do you have old family recipes that you rely on when sickness rears it's nasty head at your family?  I love picking up tips from others on how to naturally fight back...please share! 

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