
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day ~ Focused On Love

Happy Valentine's Day! 
This Valentine's Day is a little different than ones in the past.  This year the focus truly is strictly on love and appreciation. Chocolates, flowers, cards and jewelry are getting tossed to the side...well, really just not a consideration. For those who have read any of my Faith Walk posts, you know that my family has been in a very tight financial situation.  When that comes into play you really learn to value what this holiday is supposed to be focused on: LOVE.

My girls have been having a great time making Valentine cards for friends and helping me with our traditional fortune cookies.  Last night they got to hand the cookies out to the kids in their class at church...and a few other people got to take some of the extras home too. (adults love cookies too)  Sharing the sentiment of love is what it's all about. There are still a few friends that we need to get to today to share a little sweetness with.

For my husband and myself, this year we are forgoing the "extras" and are verbally expressing our love and gratitude toward one another. It doesn't matter if I get jewelry (it'd be nice, of course), or chocolates (I can make my own), or flowers (overpriced and die too quickly anyway). 
What matters is that I have a husband who loves me, accepts me for all my cracks and quirks, has my best interest at heart, consoles me even when he doesn't understand and has this amazing ability to make me laugh in the middle of an all out cry-fest.  God has blessed me with someone that I don't have to constantly wonder about whether or not he loves me because he expresses and shows his love for me all the time.
I count myself ridiculously blessed to have my little family. Blessed that we have our health, that we are close-knit and (sometimes annoying) love for one another. We carry on today knowing that this year we are focusing on the thing that is truly important...showing our love for one another in ways that a store can not supply.

My girls are also getting to learn to exercise their love for one another. I'm pushing them to think of each other and help each other even more today. And it's working!!!  They have been talking sicky-sweet to one another and helping with everything. I love it!
Today I was able to enjoy a heart-shaped pancake brunch with my kiddles. We each got to top them with whatever we liked. 
Mine took on the form of an open faced cherry pie...which I highly recommend. (Warmed cherry pie filling is SO good!)
Grace's was simply chocolate drizzled. 
Rose chose to top hers with chocolate drizzle and toasted coconut.
Later tonight our homemade Valentine Fortune Cookies, games and giggles are on the agenda.
What special moments have filled your V-Day?  Hope that yours is filled to the brim with real love. 

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