
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tummy Troubles Big and Small

James at 7 months

As all of us moms know, tummy trouble does not hit at the best of times.  It tends to rise up in the middle of making dinner, sleeping or while we're out and about.  Neither do they only attack the young, but us more matured as well.

This is my little James.  At 7 months old I have had countless battles with tummy trouble since the day he was born.  All of my children have had tummy troubles as babies, my oldest Grace and youngest James had it the worst.  They couldn't tolerate my milk...which is so frustrating as a new mommy.  Our milk is supposed to be the best thing for them and yet mine caused so much pain.  Was I watching what I ate?  Absolutely.  I was ridiculously careful about what I ate.

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