
Friday, January 2, 2015

Vicks Chest Rubs vs. Natural Chest Rub

It's that time of year when many (MANY) mothers are pulling out the VICKS VapoRub to help their little ones breathe easier through the night.  You just may want to think twice before doing it. 

Have you actually read the list of active ingredients in this product?  I have to admit that until my son was born, I really never did. I just took a look at the VICKS Baby Rub that I've used in the past on my children...mostly because they couldn't breathe easily when I had used the VICKS VapoRub. (My girls are now 8 & 10 and I had to use the baby brand back in Spring 2014 for the same reasons.) 

VICKS VapoRub:
Active Ingredients: Label reads: Special Vick medications (camphor, menthol, spirits of turpentine, eucalyptus oil, cedar leaf oil, myristica oil, thymol) compounded by the original Vick process VICK CHEMICAL COMPANY Div of Richardson-Merrell Inc

VICKS Baby Rub:
Ingredients: Petrolatum, Fragrance, Aloe Extract, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil.

Petrolatum, commonly known as petroleum jelly, is a byproduct of petroleum. Petrolatum is a soft paraffin or wax mixture sold as a topical skin ointment. It is acknowledged by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an approved over-the-counter skin protectant and is used in the manufacturing of cosmetic skin care. However the side effects of petrolatum include finding the petroleum byproduct in breast tumors, suffocation of the skin, premature aging and aggravated acne. (

There is NO WAY that I am putting these products on the chest of my girls or son ever again.  The U.S. already out ranks !

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